Fold // Experiments
A research body of work based on the concept of ‘the fold’/’the seam’. Exploring possibilities of what folds and pleating can be.

With the idea of ‘the fold’ being the content, this project displays an exploration of materials.
The notion of folds in this project is also inspired by the post-structuralist thinker Derrida, who saw ‘the fold’ and 'the seam' as an intersection and connection between mediums. He stated how “one fold leads onto another fold”, and I used this as the basis for my project, to mirror the act of how folds lead onto one another, by allowing my research to lead onto into new research.

Textile Exploration & Samples

Synthetic fabric pleated using 'steam' method. Piece of fabric is placed inbetween two exact paper folds, tthen steam is applied.


Paper (Continued)